Cheney School GCSE results 2024

Cheney School GCSE results 2024
Article / Posted on 22 Aug 2024

We are delighted by this year’s GCSE results, and the hard work that they represent, both from students and from staff. More importantly than the numbers on the page, we are particularly pleased that this set of results allows our students to move on to the destinations of their choice, whether it is an apprenticeship, a place at college, or academic A Levels in the Sixth Form.

As well as some very impressive individual results, we have stories of students who have overcome significant personal difficulties to give themselves choices about what they do next; we are equally proud of all our students and wish them the very best of luck for the next stages on their journeys.

Some headline figures:

  • 26% of grades were 7 or above (national 21.6% in 2023).
  • 57% of grades were 5 or above.
  • 70% of grades were 4 or above (national 67.8% in 2023).
  • Provisional Progress 8 score: +0.27 (i.e. the average student did a quarter of a grade better than the nationally expected level in each subject at Cheney).

We are delighted to see similar breadth to our GCSE results this year, as at A Level. We have excellent results in maths, in science, in art and in languages, and consistently strong outcomes in all our other departments. There are two students who got grade 9s in all their subjects (one of whom joins a very small group with more than 11 grade 9s: 125 in the whole country last year), and four others who have just a few grade 8s mixed in with their 9s.

Many congratulations to all our students, and many thanks to both families for their support and to Cheney staff for their hard work and dedication over the last five years with this cohort of students.


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