In this section...


In response to student feedback using the changing rooms will not be compulsory before PE. This means there are now 2 distinct uniforms:

  • Sports Uniform
  • Academic Uniform

Students can choose to come in either the academic uniform, or the sports uniform. Students can choose which they come in on any day; it is allowed to wear the sports uniform on days without PE if they prefer.

Blazers must be worn at all times with both the sports and academic uniforms. Students must wear black shoes or trainers during the school day but can change into any trainers for PE lessons. Students must bring dry uniform to change into after PE, in case they get wet or muddy. 

Uniform Guidelines 2024 (4) (1)

Our uniform supplier is Stevensons. The only branded uniform required from Stevensons is the school blazer.

Other suitable non-branded uniform can be sourced from retail outlets and second-hand from the PTA or year team.

Stevensons - how to buy guide

Secondhand School Uniform

Thanks to Cheney Friends, you can purchase second-hand uniform via an online shop! (Cheney Friends will still have in-person sales at school events).

Drop off any outgrown or unwanted uniform to School Reception. This keeps clothes out of landfill and raises money for Cheney Friends to invest back into the school!

How it works: 

1. Go to

2. Browse the selection, or use the ‘Search by Name’ function to broadly search for simple terms such as jumper, cardigan, blazer, shirt, etc.

3. Prices:

  • Blazers: £5, £10 or £15 depending on the quality. Representative photos are shown for those items which are not in excellent condition
  •  Jumpers/cardigans: £5 or £3
  •  PE tops (when available): £8
  •  PE logo t-shirts: £3 or £1.50
  •  White shirts: £1
  •  Trousers, skirts, etc are £2. These are not listed on the website yet. If there is a specific size/style you need, please email Cathy and she will look for you.

4. Add item to your basket.

5. Pay (no log-in required)

6. You will receive a confirmation email from Uniformd.

7. When you order is ready (typically within 48 hours of ordering), you will receive a second email with three locations where you can pick your item up from (two residences in Headington, or Cheney School)

8. Please pick-up within 7 days.

9. If you are unhappy with your order, you can return your item for a refund.

Essential Equipment List

Essential Equipment List July 2024

Halo Code

We are proud to be a school that adopts and supports the Halo code. We are really happy to support any student who wishes to come to school with a hairstyle that is suitable and appropriate for school as part of their expression of identity. Extreme hairstyles or hairstyles that are unsafe, remain inappropriate for school (for example, long hair that is not tied up for a practical lesson, or an offensive word shaved into hair). Students who choose to wear a head covering, are to wear one that is black, grey, or burgundy, as per the school uniform.

The importance of hair to our student's identities

Word Art

Halo code



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