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Homework is a key aspect of education, and is used for extending student’s knowledge, completing work begun in subject lessons during the school day, preparing for future lessons and supporting exam preparation and coursework.

Homework is always set on Google Classroom, even if it's not a written task and can take a variety of forms including:

  • Reading
  • Research
  • Revising
  • Learning vocabulary and spelling
  • Completing or continuing coursework
  • Doing corrections following feedback from the teacher
  • Written work
  • An extended piece of work to be completed over several weeks

How parents can help

  • Encourage your child to read as much and as often as possible
  • If possible, provide a quiet place for your child to complete their homework
  • Have spare pens, pencils available
  • Teachers will set homework on their Google Classrooms using the Classwork/Assignment/Set Assignment option. They will always use the word 'Homework' at the start of the title so that students are very clear that this is a Homework task.
    Teachers’ written instructions will explain if the Homework needs to be handed in online OR written in exercise books OR completed in a different way. Not all homework is written work.
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