Cheney School
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Classics Centre

The presence of the Classics Centre at Cheney School brings a vibrancy, buzz and creative energy to classics which is entirely unique.

The Centre works in close partnership with Cheney School and offers a very broad range of ways for students to interact with and experience classics.

It runs termly projects, events, workshops, shows, activities and stalls run by classicists. Examples include a Roman Medicine Day, a Classical Myth Day, an Ancient Astronomy Day, two Ancient Athens Days and two Return of the Romans Day where re-enactors put on a series of cavalry and weaponry displays for large audiences of Cheney students and local primary school pupils.

We have also run Roman cookery projects, a mosaics projects and a Roman sundial carving project. We run projects each term for a range of ages and across a range of subject areas. We also run regular trips to places like the Ashmolean, Chedworth Roman Villa, Galleries in London and Bath. Every other year, we run a trip to Hadrian’s Wall.

Alongside all of this, the Centre houses a library with a large collection of books on every classical topic imaginable, a range of original artefacts, a large costume collection and many other classics-themed games and resources. The Centre has been working towards Museum Accreditation status through the Arts Council and runs Archaeology clubs and enrichment for Year 7s and feeder primaries.

The Centre brings in visitors from the local community to attend its free evening classes, talks and workshops. Cheney students and parents also attend these after-school courses, talks and other events.

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