Attendance & Behaviour


How to report an absence?

It is really important that every student has good attendance and punctuality. It is important to teach our students about the importance of being punctual and of attending school regularly as we prepare them for the world of work.  We expect all students to have an attendance record of 95% or better. Clearly we understand that some students will have ongoing issues for example long term medical concerns and we will work positively with you to support them if this is the case.

There is a clear link between success at school and a high level of attendance. Therefore unless your child is really too unwell to attend, in which case the best place for him or her is at home, please support the school by ensuring regular attendance at school. Attendance is linked to attainment and is key to your child’s success. Every day your child is absent impacts on their education. Last year, 97% students with attendance over 95% (missing fewer than ten days of school over the academic year) achieved 5 A* – C grades at GCSE. Of those whose attendance was below 90% (missing more than nineteen days of school over the academic year) only 54.5% achieved the same grades.


Please note that we will actively pursue low attendance with the use of penalty notices and where necessary prosecutions.  If your son or daughter has an absence rate of 5% or greater, which is not supported by documentation  authorising exemption, then each adult that has responsibility for a student’s attendance is at risk of prosecution.  As a rule Cheney School does not authorise extended holiday leave, and we issue fixed penalty notices when cases arise.  An example of a fixed penalty notice letter  for unauthorised holiday is included in the links below. Should you want to request an exceptional absence, please email the Headteacher explaining the reasons for your request. 


  • Inform the school immediately on first day of absence
  • After illness make sure your child makes a prompt return to school
  • Take holidays only during the school holiday periods
  • Make medical and dental appointments outside school time when possible
  • Monitor your child’s attendance closely
  • Establish good bedtime and morning routines
  • Prepare for the school day and pack bags the night before
  • Address any anxieties and concerns early
  • Contact your Year Team for support

Is my child too ill for school?

How to Report Absence  - Years 7-11

If you know your son or daughter is going to be absent for the whole day due to illness complete the Cheney School Student Absence Google Form.

Absence Report Form (Y7-11)

Please note: completing this form does not automatically record information on Bromcom (our management information system); this form is read by staff and they will amend Bromcom as necessary. If your child's attendance is below 95%, this may not be marked as an approved absence and a conversation with the year team or medical evidence may be required.

We endeavour to process responses on this form as quickly as possible each morning, but you may receive a message saying your child is not in school before this has been processed. If you have completed this form, please ignore the message on this day.

If your son or daughter is absent from school and we have not received notification we will endeavour to contact you. If we are unable to make contact with you on the third day of absence, we will conduct a home visit.  If this is unsuccessful we are duty bound to contact social services and the police of a child being missing from education.  Good communication between home and school prevents unnecessary worry and work for all of us.

Please inform us of each separate day of absence.

How to Report Absence Year 12 & 13

Students, please email before 8:30 each morning of your absence.

Copy your teachers and parents into the email.

A parent will need to confirm they are aware of this absence.

  • Illness to be reported before 8.30am, copying the teachers whose lessons you will miss.
  • Illness during the school day Report to the Sixth Form Office before you leave. They will inform your teachers and parents or guardians.
  • Medical appointments Notify the Sixth Form Office ahead of the appointment. In case of emergency appointments, please phone in and bring evidence in on your return, as with illness.
  • Planned absence (e.g. open days, summer schools). Complete a form to be authorised by the Sixth Form Team.

In all cases, make sure you contact your teachers at the earliest opportunity to collect any work you need to catch up on.

If your child is going to be LATE FOR SCHOOL

If your child is going to be LATE TO SCHOOL, please email the appropriate year team. Late to school is arriving after 8:25am. 

If you are unable to do this, please email with the name, form and year group of your child, and your name and contact details. Your child will be asked to sign in on arrival and you will receive an email to confirm they have arrived.

Students late to school receive a consequence unless there is an appropriate reason, communicated to the year team.


If your child has AN APPOINTMENT DURING THE SCHOOL DAY and needs to leave school, please notify your child's Year Team, rather than using the absence reporting form.

The Year Team will then give your child an exit note to leave through the School Reception at the appropriate time.

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