A-level English Literature and Drama trip to Stratford-upon-Avon
BackOn Tuesday 4th March, 35 A-level English Literature and Drama students enjoyed an incredibly pleasant trip to Stratford-upon-Avon to visit the birthplace of none other than William Shakespeare.
After arriving, we began with very invigorating RSC (Royal Shakepseare Company) workshops. Throughout, a lot of nuanced discussion took place, and the exercises made us ruminate on how essential performances of texts we study really are. After the workshop, we attended an exhibition ‘The Play’s The Thing’ (and saw a huge taxidermy bear) which entailed costumes, props, and other artefacts. Most costumes were stylistically impressive, and carried a lot of emblematic importance, too. Exhibited was even Shakespeare’s first folio, printed in 1623.
Afterwards, we were free to explore Stratford. The weather played in our favour, with clear skies, and a lot of sun! We were able to visit Shakespeare’s birthplace, as well as many other monumental sites.
In the evening, we saw a performance of Hamlet at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. The twist which the director decided upon is to turn Elsinore into a ship, as well as shorten the events of the play to be an overnight occurrence. It was very sharp and innovative, and the naval imagery pushed that forth. The stage itself was the said ship which rose up and down enunciating this sense of something rotten lingering in Denmark. Luke Thallon, who played Hamlet, did a stunning job at portraying the Prince’s uncertainty and indecisiveness, further pushing the turbulent and disturbed marine imagery. It is certainly a production that we will not forget.